If you love cats this may be the project for you. While searching the internet for clever DIY ideas, we came across this cute project to vamp up your old shoes. This is the perfect way to be crafty and creative with your wardrobe. " Unleash your inner Cat Power. From Charlotte Olympia’s cat heels and flats to Jason Wu’s Target collab mascot, we decided to jump on the bandwagon and pay homage to our feline friends with a delicious DIY. Be fierce and show your feminine feline side with a DIY that’s purrrrrrrfect!"-ps i made this
DIY Instructions:
To create: cut out 2 triangles in black, that are slightly rounded, for the ears. Measure and cut out a smaller and contrasting shape for the inner ear. Use the same fabric to create a nose shape. Use either leather, suede, or any faux fabric you have. Create a “face” with puffy paint drawing eyes onto a plain loafer. Be sure to use a different color puffy paint for the inside of eyes. Glue ears onto the inside of the loafer with a glue gun. Attach the nose and finish drawing the face by adding whiskers and a mouth. Wait until puffy paint is completely dry before kicking up your heels and exercising your cat like reflects!
courtesy of ~P.S. I made this & Urban 1972
cute idea!